The song "God" starts off by saying that "God is a concept that measures our pain," which would already challenge beliefs strongly held by many groups, almost certainly offending loads of Christians, Catholics, and other faiths who worship a god. But John Lennon was not trying to attack anyone; as explained by him (via Rolling Stone), "You're born in pain. Pain is what we are in most of the time, and I think that the bigger the pain, the more God you look for." The "pain" that Lennon was referring to was the unsatisfactory part of life that everyone experiences on a day-to-day basis.
He continues the song by listing all the things he doesn't believe in, including religious figures like Jesus and Buddha, along with other popular figures. At the end of the song, however, he states that he doesn't believe in the Beatles and that he just believes in himself and his wife, Yoko Ono. This comment was pretty shocking at the time, as the Beatles were one of the most popular bands of the era, and he was one of the most recognized members. Lennon explains this in an interview, saying (per Rolling Stone), "I no longer believe in myth, and Beatles is another myth. I don't believe in it. The dream is over. I'm not just talking about the Beatles, I'm talking about the generation thing. It's over, and we gotta — I have to personally — get down to so-called reality."